
April 2018 Program Update


We have lots of great events coming up this month at the library!


  • April 7, Century Homes in Ferguson, 10-12 pm: The Ferguson Landmarks Commission will be on hand to share information about the Century Home program in Ferguson. Learn how a home can qualify to be plaqued as a Century Home, how you can find out more information about the historic homes in Ferguson, and more.
  • April 9, Readings on Race Book Club, 6 pm: This month, the Readings on Race Book Club will watch and discuss the documentary “Do Not Resist,” about the militarization of police forces around the country. Attendees are also encouraged to read the book The Rise of the Warrior Cop by Radley Balko for further background information, but it is not required. All are welcome!
  • April 12, Gardening Basics with EarthDance, 6 pm: Need help getting your garden started this spring? Looking to start a garden for the first time? Crystal from EarthDance will teach us how to get our plants in the ground and thriving, all summer long.
  • April 19-21, FLIERS Spring Book Sale: Come by the library to stock up your shelves with good books at great prices! All proceeds go to benefit the library.
  • April 21, Storytime Science with the St. Louis Science Center, 2 pm: Enjoy a science-themed storytime with us and the St. Louis Science Center! For kids aged 3-6 and their caregivers. An adult must be present during the program.
  • April 24, Tuesday Night Book Club, 5 pm: Looking to spice up your reading? Consider joining the Tuesday Night Book Club! This month, we will read and discuss Eternal Life by Dara Horn, which focuses on a woman who traded her death for her son’s life 2000 years ago. After living countless lives, she now looks for a way to end it all.
  • April 25, Wind Turbine Design Challenge with the Challenger Learning Center, 6 pm: Learn all about alternative energy with us and the Challenger Learning Center! Participants will have a chance to team up and compete against others to design the best and most efficient wind turbine. For kids ages 6-12. Space is limited – registration is required. Contact us at the library to sign up today!
  • April 27, Crafternoon, 5 pm: Did you know that we have a monthly craft program just for adults? Each month we tackle a new project as we craft our way into the weekend. Best of all, it’s free, and we provide all of the supplies! Join us this month to make mini macrame plant holders from upcycled materials. Registration is required. Contact us today to sign up!

Ferguson Municipal Public Library has placed Proposition L on the April ballot

The Board of Trustees for the Ferguson Municipal Public Library District has decided to put Proposition L, a measure affecting the property taxes that fund the library, on the ballot for the April 3, 2018 election. The Board has wrestled with a growing sense of need for stable funding for some time. The last time the library had a tax increase was 23 years ago, because the Board does not do this sort of thing lightly. The library’s tax revenues have dropped significantly since 2010.

The measure will be called Proposition L. The text will be as follows:

Shall there be a tax increase of $0.18 over the present tax rate ceiling of $0.22 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation for the Ferguson Municipal Public Library District?

A Ferguson homeowner with a house worth $50,000 on the open market can expect to see their tax bill go up by about $17. A Ferguson homeowner with a house worth $100,000 can expect to see their tax bill go up by about $34.

For much more detail, please go to and click on “Prop L”.

In the words of Library Director Scott Bonner, “We received so many wonderful donations in 2014 from people who appreciated what we did for our community. We’ve used those donations as wisely as we can, but they will run out soon, and the Board has to consider how much that will impact our ability to pursue our mission, given where our tax monies are now. Our mission is to build up Ferguson through lifelong learning, cultural literacy, and bringing community members together. As long as Ferguson values these things, we’ll be here to help by whatever means we can, targeting our efforts on the specific needs of Ferguson.”

Please come to our Library Open House!

library-open-house-flyerWe would like to cordially invite you to our open house! The Ferguson Municipal Public Library has seen many changes over the last few years. Reconnect with your hometown library and stop by on Monday, September 25 for some light refreshments and to hear about some of the work we are doing. Library Director Scott Bonner will give some brief remarks at 5:30. See you there!

Notice: Public Hearing for the 2017 Tax Rate

Notice of Public Hearing

Tax Rate – Ferguson Municipal Public Library District

A Public Hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 25, 2017, at the Ferguson Municipal Public Library District, 35 N. Florissant Road, at which citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed by the Ferguson Municipal Public Library District, a political subdivision.  The tax rates shall be set to produce the revenue that will be budgeted for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016.  The rates allowed under the existing tax rate ceiling are at or below the $0.2200 authorized by Ferguson voters.  The Library District may make adjustments pursuant to Missouri Revised Statutes Section 137.073, and as required by Law, in accordance with Article X, Section 22 of the Missouri State Constitution.

Please see the attached file for more information.

Public Hearing 2017




We’re getting a new catalog!

catalog2.0 On December 4th, we’re making a big change to the library! Except this time, it’s not one that’s physical. On that day, we, along with the rest of the Municipal Library Consortium, will be switching to a brand new catalog, called Polaris. With Polaris, you will have access to lots of great new features, including better account management (you’ll be able to pay fines online!), the ability to save your reading history, smarter searching for items, and much, much more. Like with any change, making this switch won’t be without a few hiccups. From December 4th-10th, some of our usual services will not be available:

  • your current online account
  • placing requests on items
  • account lookup – you must bring your card with you!
  • the current online catalog

In addition to not being able to request items from other libraries in the consortium, no requested items will be sent to the library until after December 10th. But no items will also be due that week, so you’ll be able to enjoy what you already have for a little longer!

If you have any questions, stop by and see us, or give us a call at 521-4820. We will also be posting more information on our Facebook and Twitter accounts in the coming days!