
Notice: April Board Meeting Agenda and Links

Ferguson Municipal Public Library District
Board of Trustees Meeting
Online Meeting via Zoom and Broadcast to YouTube at
April 27, 2020
7:00 p.m.



1.      Public Portion

2.      Minutes of the February 24, 2020 Meeting

3.      Director’s Report

4.      Treasurer’s Report

5.      Old Business

  • Validate online vote: “I move that we treat this extended closing like a short term closing by paying staff.”
  • Validate online vote: “I move that we cancel the March Board meeting.”

6.      New Business

  • Financial
    • Preview budget
  • Building Maintenance
  • General
    • Reschedule appreciation dinner or just give milestone benefits?
    • Reappointment of Board members

7.      Comments from Council Representative

8.      Closed Session

  • Pursuant to RsMO 610.022 the Board may at any time vote to close the Public Meeting and move into Closed Session to discuss legal, personnel, employee and/or real-estate matters under 610.021 (1), (2), (3), and (13). President or Acting President asks for motion and second to go into Closed Session.  Secretary takes roll-call vote.  President or Acting President asks for motion and second to end Closed Session.  Secretary takes roll-call vote to end Closed Session.

9.      Adjournment

Notice: Public Hearing for the 2019 Tax Rate

Public Hearing Notice – Tax Rate

Notice of Public Hearing
Tax Rate – Ferguson Municipal Public Library District

A Public Hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 23, 2019, at the Ferguson Municipal Public Library District, 35 N. Florissant Road, at which citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed by the Ferguson Municipal Public Library District, a political subdivision. The tax rates shall be set to produce the revenue that was budgeted for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019. The rates allowed under the existing tax rate ceiling are at or below the rates authorized by Ferguson voters. The Library District may make adjustments pursuant to Missouri Revised Statutes Section 137.073, and as required by Law, in accordance with Article X, Section 22 of the Missouri State Constitution.

Please see the attached file for more information.

Public Hearing 2019 (updated Sept. 18. 2019)