Tax season is here!
This information is current as of January 9, 2025.
We are still receiving our tax form order, but we have the following tax forms available at the library:
- Federal 1040
- Federal 1040-SR
- Federal 1040 and 1040-SR instruction booklet (not available just yet – still waiting on shipment)
- Missouri 1040
- Missouri 1040A
- MO-PTC (circuit breaker)
If you need another form, we can find it for you, as long as you know what form you need. Please ask for help at the front desk.
You can find and print tax forms yourself at the following links:
- Federal forms:
- Missouri forms:
If you need a tax form for another state, you can visit this website:
You can also order federal tax forms directly from the IRS by using their website here: Order Tax Forms. Missouri no longer offers delivery of tax forms and other tax products by mail.
Free Tax Preparation
Looking to get help with preparing your taxes?
Gateway EITC provides free tax prep at a variety of locations across the metro St. Louis region for individuals and households making less that $64,000 a year. The Ferguson Public Library does not offer free tax prep, but here are the three tax prep locations closest to the library:
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Church
120 North Elizabeth
Ferguson, MO 63135
Registration required – registration information will be available starting January 18
Natural Bridge Library
7606 Natural Bridge Rd
Normandy, MO 63121
Saturdays, 10 am – 1 pm starting February 8
First come, first served – no registration required
Florissant Valley Library (SENIORS ONLY)
195 S. New Florissant Rd.
Florissant, MO 63031
Registration required – registration information will be available starting January 18
For a complete list of Gateway EITC tax prep sites, please visit their website here: 2025 Free Tax Sites. Please note that some locations require registration, or may be restricted to seniors only.
You can also call the United Way at 211 to get information about all of the tax prep locations throughout the St. Louis metro region.
Filing on your own but need help?
The IRS and the Missouri Department of Revenue can help you with any tax questions you might have.
- Federal taxes: You can contact the IRS with your individual tax questions by calling 1-800-829-1040, or by scheduling a one-on-one visit at a local Taxpayer Assistance Center. The closest Taxpayer Assistance Center is downtown, at 1222 Spruce Street, St. Louis, MO 63103. You can make an appointment by calling 1-844-545-5640.
- Missouri taxes: You can schedule a tax call with a Missouri Tax Representative at the following link: Schedule a Tax Call.
Don’t forget – the last day to file your taxes or request an extension is April 15!
If you need an extension on your individual federal taxes, you’ll file Form 4868. If you need an extension on your individual state taxes, you’ll file Form MO-60. If you need an extension for your business or nonprofit, please refer to the IRS’s and the Missouri DOR’s websites above.