Vote for Ferguson’s Favorite Read!

What is Ferguson’s Favorite Read?

In the spirit of PBS’s THE GREAT AMERICAN READ, Ferguson Library patrons can vote in a local online and in-person poll for the greatest fiction title of all time. Select one or more titles from the 100-book list below to crown Ferguson’ Favorite Read! To vote in-person, fill out the polling form on your next visit to the library. Voting ends October 18, 2018.



Great American Read Logo


We’re getting a new catalog!

catalog2.0 On December 4th, we’re making a big change to the library! Except this time, it’s not one that’s physical. On that day, we, along with the rest of the Municipal Library Consortium, will be switching to a brand new catalog, called Polaris. With Polaris, you will have access to lots of great new features, including better account management (you’ll be able to pay fines online!), the ability to save your reading history, smarter searching for items, and much, much more. Like with any change, making this switch won’t be without a few hiccups. From December 4th-10th, some of our usual services will not be available:

  • your current online account
  • placing requests on items
  • account lookup – you must bring your card with you!
  • the current online catalog

In addition to not being able to request items from other libraries in the consortium, no requested items will be sent to the library until after December 10th. But no items will also be due that week, so you’ll be able to enjoy what you already have for a little longer!

If you have any questions, stop by and see us, or give us a call at 521-4820. We will also be posting more information on our Facebook and Twitter accounts in the coming days!